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Hydraulic Cylinder Repair

Specializing in hydraulic repair, Yates' is prepared to handle your hydraulic cylinder repair 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


无论您是在使用效率低下的买足球app推荐还是最近经历了灾难性的故障, find the solutions you need at Yates. We can diagnose, 维修和测试各种尺寸和应用的液压系统,使您始终处于行业的最前沿.

In addition to cylinder repairs we also offer expert hydraulic cylinder rebuild services and replacement hydraulic cylinders.

Signs Your Cylinder Requires Repair Services

There are a number of safety and efficiency concerns related to a damaged hydraulic cylinder. 比较以下液压系统损坏的迹象和症状,看看您是否需要为您的设备提供液压缸维修服务:

  • Compromised cylinder mountings
  • Leaking hydraulic fluid
  • Cracked piston, barrel or other components

买足球app推荐支架需要安全,以防止液压系统的压力将买足球app推荐与设备分离. A leaking line or cylinder is typically caused by a broken seal or compromised fitting. Finally, cracks, 买足球app推荐生锈或其他结构损坏需要立即修理,以防止突然故障.

Not all cylinder issues offer warning signs. Sudden failure requires emergency repair services. 我们熟练的技术人员团队可以快速响应您的紧急情况,最大限度地减少停机时间,防止进一步损坏您的工业设备.

hydraulic cylinder repair

Contact Yates Cylinders

Fill out the form below to contact our hydraulic cylinder repair experts. A Yates Cylinders associate will contact you within one business day.

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How Do You Tell If a Hydraulic Cylinder Is Leaking?

hydraulic cylinder rebuild确认机器是否泄漏的最好方法是用肥皂和水清洗买足球app推荐,并检查是否有任何异常. You want to check for external damage to the barrel or rod, which could be impacting the cylinder barrel. Another sign of a hydraulic oil leak is a crack around the clevis area. If you notice any external damage, further investigation is warranted. To do a more thorough inspection, it is best to have a professional remove the cylinder from its housing. A technician can inspect and measure all diameters to ensure they are properly aligned.

What Are the Causes of Leaking Hydraulic Cylinders?

Often referred to as a cylinder bypass, various factors may cause a leaking hydraulic cylinder. These reasons include:

  • Worn or outdated hydraulic cylinder piston seals.
  • Internal damage to cylinder components, including the seals, piston or barrel.
  • Piston nut loosening or dirty hydraulic oil.
  • Metal particles seeping into the cylinder’s internal components.

A leaking hydraulic cylinder can also be caused by a bulging barrel in the machine’s center, causing uneven distribution. 这种情况导致油在活塞周围流动,无法保持冲程所需的负载.

Can You Stop a Leaking Hydraulic Cylinder?

阻止液压缸泄漏的最好方法是让技术人员进行密封更换. However, 只有当买足球app推荐的所有其他部件都处于良好的工作状态时,才可以选择更换密封. 技术人员可以使用OEM或售后市场的密封件,这些密封件可以从各种批发商处采购. Generally, a technician will need to remove the cylinder from the housing, strip its mechanisms, clean the components and measure all parts so it can be rebuilt.

As a leading manufacturer of hydraulic cylinders, we understand and repair all makes and models of cylinders for a variety of industries. Don’t let a specialized cylinder type prevent you from enjoying affordable and timely repairs. Our expert team can troubleshoot any issue, offer a failure analysis report and provide expedited repair services. If you can’t wait for a rebuild service or need extensive repairs and replacement parts, a new cylinder or replacement hydraulic cylinder may be an affordable option.

How Do You Remove a Damaged Hydraulic Cylinder?

Safety is the primary consideration when removing a damaged hydraulic cylinder. First, you need to examine the unit and take note of all components. 了解液压系统以及是否存在任何存储的能量源对于防止伤害至关重要. Stored energy sources may be from accumulators or a heavy load on the cylinder.

Second, the unit must be isolated and adequately classified, so it is not mixed up with other machines nearby. Once you have tagged the device and verified there is no stored energy source, remove both ends that attach the cylinder to the hydraulic unit. Before you complete this step, ensure the cylinder is not pressurized. Check the clevis pins and see if they can be moved. If the pins are too tight to move, a heavy load may still be acting on the cylinder. 如果clevis销太紧而无法手动拆卸,则需要工程专家的协助来拆卸.

Lastly, make sure you have the proper cleaning equipment to complete the removal. Removing a cylinder from its housing can be a messy job and oil spills are common. Plug the hydraulic hoses and ports to limit the risk of an oil spill. 一旦端部和销被取出并储存,买足球app推荐就可以从外壳中取出.

How Do You Disassemble a Hydraulic Cylinder?

拆卸买足球app推荐是一个复杂的过程,最好留给具有专业液压经验的专业人员. 但是,如果您经常使用钢瓶,了解所涉及的步骤是很重要的. First, you need to identify the cylinder type. Some cylinders are small and can be removed and disassembled without specialized tools. Most cylinders, however, 是否足够大,需要专门的设备将买足球app推荐与臂架总成分离. 活塞螺母也需要用可控的液压拆下,以保证现场每个人的安全.

You must make sure you have the proper equipment to hold the cylinder barrel securely. Tools are also required to retain the glands to the cylinder barrel during the process. Sometimes glands are welded to the cylinder and need to be removed with heavy-duty equipment. If the gland is welded to the cylinder, the unit may be unable to be repaired economically.  If the glands are not fused to the unit, you can remove them with a wrench or socket set.

After the gland is removed, the rod needs to be fortified by a specific bench clamp to remove other components safely. The main element that should be removed at this time is the piston nut. 必须格外小心,以确保在拆卸过程中没有损坏钢瓶的任何部分.

Tips on How To Repair a Hydraulic Cylinder

While you may think that hydraulic cylinder repair is an easy task, but as with many projects, it can quickly become complicated when you don’t have the right preparation, expertise, or tools. At Yates Cylinders, we understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, 因此,我们希望为那些想在找专业人士之前尝试自己解决问题的客户提供指导.

The following instructions should get your hydraulic cylinder back into production. By performing these suggested steps, you should be able to stop a leaking cylinder. If not, 请记住,我们承诺在我们所有的地点为您提供全天候的紧急服务.


The proper preparation can set you up for an easier and quicker hydraulic cylinder rebuild. First, clean the unit. Once the cylinder is clean, disconnect the hoses and plug both the ports and hoses securely. Now you can remove and clean the unit. Drain the hydraulic fluid by opening the cylinder ports.
Once you have drained the hydraulic fluid, you should identify the type of cylinder. The most common ones are either wire ring or threaded head cylinders. Now you can assemble your tools to disassemble, repair, and reassemble the cylinder. You will need one or more of the following:

  • Cleaning rags
  • Compressed air
  • Emery cloth
  • Pliers
  • Petroleum-based solvent
  • Proper seal kit
  • Punch
  • Rubber mallet
  • Screwdriver
  • Torque wrench

Repairing a Wire Ring Cylinder

您需要通过缩回杆组件并移除外部钢丝环来拆卸钢丝环买足球app推荐. Remove accumulated dirt or oil from around the cylinder head. Using your mallet or punch, 将头推入买足球app推荐管,直到可以看到内部凹槽并到达内部钢丝圈. Using the plastic removal ring from the seal kit, insert it into the internal groove with the feathered end pointed toward the tube.

用螺丝刀将环的一端紧扣在槽内,另一端插入槽内. 在试图移除杆之前,两个尖端应该完全和安全地夹住,以防止它们被夹在头和管之间. You should now be able to extend the rod to pull the head from the tube.

Take out the removal ring as well as the locknut, piston, and head. Clean with the solvent, then closely inspect the parts for damage like the presence of burrs, scratches, or scuffs. Polish and smooth as needed. Now you can access the seals for replacement.

Repairing a Threaded Head Cylinder

通过松开固定螺钉和端盖并拆卸活塞,开始螺纹头买足球app推荐拆卸, rod, and gland assemblies. Loosen the lock nut to remove the piston from the rod assembly. Once the piston is out of the way, remove the seals and clean parts with the solvent. Inspect the cylinder tube, rod, and piston for damage and polish where necessary.

Replace seals and reinstall the rod, then secure the piston to the rod with the lock nut. Lubricate the seals and inside the tube with hydraulic oil, then install the piston, gland, end cap, and rod. You can use Loctite anti-seize on the threads before replacing the cylinder end-cap. Finally, tighten the cylinder and set the screw to the appropriate torque.

After Cylinder Repair

After the repair, you should be able to diagnose the cause of the issue by examining the type of damage. This step is critical to keep from repeating the rebuild and repair process. 我们经验丰富的技术人员可以帮助您识别问题的迹象,并解决问题的根源.

Types of Cylinders We Repair

Tie-Rod Units Cylinders

Tie-rod cylinders are among the most common cylinders in the U.S. 它们由几个螺纹螺栓固定在一起,将两个端盖固定在设备的桶上. The bolts also secure the baseplate and the head to the cylinder tube. Tie-rod cylinders typically come equipped with seals to prevent leakage. These units come in both small-bore and large-bore iterations. Small-bore units have four rods, while larger units can have 20 or more rods. Yates performs hydraulic cylinder replacement on both small and large bore tie rod cylinders. These units are relatively easy to disassemble for service, repair or customization.

Welded Cylinders

Welded cylinders come with the end caps welded to the machine’s barrel. Other components, including the mounts, are welded to the lid. While these designs are sturdy and dependable, they are not easy to disassemble and repair. If your welded cylinder needs to be repaired, you may need to purchase a new unit. 买足球app推荐可以帮助您确定求推荐好的买球APP液压缸重建过程的最佳行动方案.

Mill-Duty Cylinders

Mill-duty cylinders are used in a variety of heavy-duty applications, including construction, manufacturing and aeronautics. Mill-duty units are equipped with sturdy wall tubing, chrome-plated rods and high-load pistons to accommodate heavy loads. While these units are built to last harsh environments, they need to be repaired on occasion. Yates performs hydraulic cylinder replacement services on mill-duty cylinders of all sizes.

Single-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

Single-acting cylinders are used in applications that require a push or pull force. Therefore, the unit’s hydraulic fluid only works on one side of the piston rod. 另一种力通常由负载的重量产生,并将买足球app推荐拉向相反的方向.  Many businesses use single-acting cylinders because of the simplistic design. 维护是一项简单的任务,Yates可以快速有效地修复和更换大多数单作用买足球app推荐.

Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

建筑求推荐好的买球APP通常使用双液压缸,因为它们比单作用单位更容易控制. A large amount of pressurized fluid moves consistently across the length of the piston, allowing the operator to achieve the desired motion quickly. Yates performs hydraulic cylinder repair and replacement services on double-acting units.

Custom Cylinders

买足球app推荐聘请了一批工程师和设计师,他们在重建和修复定制液压缸方面经验丰富. Whether you have a custom hydraulic cylinder or a pneumatic cylinder, we can help you. We service a variety of cylinders including single-acting, double-acting, mill-duty, small-bore and more.

Our Engineering Expertise

我们的液压缸重建和维修服务利用最新的CAD技术,为您的液压问题或问题提供复杂的答案. A custom system requires custom solutions, so our engineering team can design the exact replacement part you need. 我们的内部制造团队将创建必要的定制组件,以保持您的设施在最短的停机时间内运行.

A critical component of our engineering services is our testing process. We use test stands with up to 10,000 PSI capabilities and load cells that can operate with up to 250,000 pounds of force. 我们还使用循环测试来确保任何新的或重建的组件准备好满足您求推荐好的买球APP的需求.

Machining New Components

As part of our full-service cylinder repair services, we offer a range of custom components and machining capabilities. We have the expertise to create components up to 27 feet long and 65 inches in diameter. We can repair and rebuild even the most expansive hydraulic systems. Here are some of the equipment our machining department uses to meet your needs:

  • CNC machines
  • OD grinders
  • Radial arm drills
  • Boring mills
  • Manual lathes

If you don’t need a custom component for your hydraulic repairs, we’ll search our large inventory of parts and equipment for an off-the-shelf replacement. 在液压系统中安装成品可以减少买足球app推荐维修服务的成本和时间.

Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild

Contact us today to learn more about our expert repair services. No need to continue to battle with a leaking, inefficient cylinder, 当您可以通过买足球app推荐汽缸的紧急维修和预防性维护来更新您的设备并保持您的求推荐好的买球APP高效运营时.

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